Found Brazilian man dismembered on railway tracks You Might Be Interested In Four men were handcuffed, tortured and shot in the head Chop up the body of a man from a rival gang Truck driver crushed by a horrible accident The lovely woman was found with her throat slit The woman whose throat was slit by her husband is dying bestgorechoppeddeadmaledesmembradodismemberedgoregorevideoMassacrepieces Share 2 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post Execution video in Brazil gang – Shoot in the head and slash in the head next post Two women were beheaded above a pit where they were buried Related Posts Man brutally beheaded in Myanmar civil war Decapitated Body Found Near Wooden Shack in Colombia Armed Clash Near Colombia’s Putumayo-Caquetá Border Leaves 11... Found dead body chopped into pieces and burned... Tragic Death of Young Haitian Immigrant in Dominican... She was stripped naked and shot dead