Brazilian woman crushed on highway No information about the victim Brazil You Might Be Interested In They put a thermometer in the ass of the dead Chinese girl The Daily Rivalry Execution Gang in Brazil The man was beheaded, his legs were cut off by rival gang The girl was walking on the street with her friend and was shot dead by two men Russian girl killed her mother and sister then dismembered them accidentbestgorebrazilcrusheddismemberedgoregorevideoheadcrushedpieces Share 1 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post Eight Colombian Soldiers Killed in Helicopter Crash During Humanitarian Mission Near Venezuela Border next post The man turned into grilled meat Related Posts Decapitated Body Found Near Wooden Shack in Colombia Armed Clash Near Colombia’s Putumayo-Caquetá Border Leaves 11... Found dead body chopped into pieces and burned... Tragic Death of Young Haitian Immigrant in Dominican... She was stripped naked and shot dead A severed head of a trampled man