The young man was tied and slashed. his head was almost cut off Found dead body of a young Brazilian man tied up and his body covered with knife slashes, his head almost severed You Might Be Interested In His severed head was placed on a wooden gatepost Young woman in a tragic accident A thief had his legs amputated while being chased by the police Compilation of pictures – throat slit and facial expressions of the victim Brazilian woman crushed on highway beheadedbeheadingbestgorebrazilchoppeddeadmaledecapitateddesmembradoexecutiongore Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post Couple tied to electric pole tortured and strangled to death next post The young girl got a headshot while walking on the street Related Posts Severed heads are used for entertainment Nigerian Ritualist Caught with Severed Human Head in... Farmer Killed by Lioness in Rajkot, Gujarat: Dramatic... Body of Man Found Buried in Quarry in... Haiti – Corpses crushed by trucks Man in Romania Commits Suicide by Decapitation on...