Cambodia – 18 year old man hanged himself because of a tumor in his mouth You Might Be Interested In Compilation of images of penises that have been cut off The man was crushed by the tractor 24-Year-Old Welder Decapitated in Compressor Explosion in Riau, Indonesia Drug gang members left behind the beheaded corpses of two men and a woman Beautiful brazilian girl tortured and beheaded by rival gang bestgoredeadmalegorehangedhangingSuicide Share 3 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post Found the man’s body cut into pieces next post Haiti- Beheaded the man with a machete Related Posts Drug Traffickers Launch Violent Raid in Morro do... Somewhere in Africa- Savages execute men by slitting... Unidentified woman crushed by truck Brutal Executions in Myanmar: Rebels Mimic Mexican Cartel... Man brutally beheaded in Myanmar civil war Decapitated Body Found Near Wooden Shack in Colombia