foot has been severed You Might Be Interested In Beheading Video- Mexican gang members are beheading five men beheaded, skinned, dismembered, cut off the penis and stuffed it in the mouth Found the corpse of a gang woman who was tortured and beheaded The man stabbed his ex-wife to death and then fled A man commits suicide with a gun next to his car bestgorechoppeddismemberedfeetfeetfetishfootcutoffgoreseveredfoot Share 2 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post Thai man has become ground meat next post Gore video – Dissecting the stomach and gouging out the woman’s intestines brutally Related Posts Mexican drug cartel members release video of beheading... Mexican gang executioner uses chainsaw to cut off... They wasted too much time using a blunt... His internal organs were exposed after the road... Sitting in his dug grave he said his... Photo compilation of two cases where headless bodies...