Young man was beheaded in the toilet Execution of the drug gang, He was tied up in the toilet and others decapitated him with a knife You Might Be Interested In Nigeria they bought the severed body parts of the woman as a kind of cure The man’s head was crushed by a truck and his brain was thrown out The young man was crushed Brazil. The girl whose throat was cut by her best friend The woman had her head crushed in an accident beheadedbeheadingbestgorebrazildeadmaledecapitadodecapitatedexecutionganggorevideoseveredfootseveredleg斩首 Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post 16-year-old brazilian girl tortured and dismembered by gangs next post Mexico – execution of rival gang, torture, beheading, dismemberment Related Posts Alarming Violence in Haiti: Horrific Footage Captures Dismembered... Severed heads are used for entertainment Nigerian Ritualist Caught with Severed Human Head in... Farmer Killed by Lioness in Rajkot, Gujarat: Dramatic... Body of Man Found Buried in Quarry in... Haiti – Corpses crushed by trucks