He dismembered his wife’s body and then dumped her body HaitiThe insane man killed and chopped up his wife’s body, then stuffed her body parts into two sacks and dumped them in a deserted place. You Might Be Interested In Brazilian drug gang butchers a rival member Medical video- Young man with severely damaged buttock Man’s body found cut in half on railway tracks The man was decapitated after he was killed in his hole Man loses his head in a road accident beheadedbeheadingbestgorebutcheredchoppeddeadfemaledeadgirldecapitadadecapitateddismemberedgirlbeheadedgoreheadlessherseveredheadkillpiecesslaughtered Share 3 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post Three men and one woman were executed and their bodies dumped next post He urinated on the dismembered body parts of rival gang members Related Posts Ghana: 34-Year-Old Man Kills Prostitute in Self-Defense after... Horrific Road Accident Leaves Unidentifiable Victim in Costa... Five Decapitated Bodies Discovered in Ojuelos, Jalisco Motorcycle accident leaves couple dead on the spot Compilation of some photos of the brutal civil... Tragic Accident on Road Connecting Planeta Rica and...