He was able to see his internal organs. Somewhere in Africa. I have no further information about the incident or the identity of the young man who was brutally murdered with a machete. You Might Be Interested In Beheading video- Colombian man beheaded by gang He has three severed hands and shows them off to the camera Terrorists massacred civilians in the Congo CJNG members beheaded three rival gang members on camera Venezuelan Woman Found Murdered in Ecuador: Witnesses Report Gunfire bestgorechoppeddeadmaledisemboweledgoregorevideokillkillerMassacremurder Share 3 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post Man Found Decapitated Beside Motorcycle in João Alfredo, Brazil next post Two videos show the brutality of the Myanmar civil war – headless bodies – slit throats Related Posts Body of Man Found Buried in Quarry in... Haiti – Corpses crushed by trucks Man in Romania Commits Suicide by Decapitation on... Hindu Woman Beheaded in Khulna District, Bangladesh- Body... Massacre in Ivory Coast: Dozens Found Dead with... Young Man Found Brutally Murdered in Calamar, Bolívar:...