Her head was crushed by the truck Brazil The head of a woman riding a motorbike was crushed after being run over by a truck. You Might Be Interested In Colombian man whose leg was crushed by accident As a result, the container truck lost its brakes, leading to a terrible accident Pieces of a man’s body mixed with papayas His head was severed in an accident The man was dying and blood was spurting from his neck accidentbestgorebraincrushedfeetfeetfetishgoregorephotos Share 2 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post The young man had his head crushed in an accident in Phnom Penh next post Update more photos of victims of the execution of more than 7 people in Tabasco Related Posts Found dismembered body parts in front of PíO... Gang member dismembered in El Salvador Brutal Murder in Juanjuí: Four Suspects Arrested for... Hanged topless and decomposing Compilation of photos of dead soldiers in the... A gang member’s life ended in dismemberment