Human body parts found on the coast of Los Perales Parts of a corpse found on the shores of Los Perales. Two hands, a leg, a skull and various bones have been decomposed Parts of a corpse You Might Be Interested In He beheaded his wife and held her severed head up to the camera Prostitute woman brutally murdered 19-Year-Old Suspected Killer Decapitated in Trinidad and Tobago They are preparing a barbecue from the severed body parts of the unfortunate man Throat cut in brazil bestgoredeadmaledismemberedgoregorevideo Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post Transgender woman’s dead body was found with a bullet in the head next post Brutal execution of LA LINEA MEMBER BY CDN Related Posts Shocking Scene: Bloody Motorcycle Crash on Brazilian Highway... Motorcyclist decapitated in accident Photos of the bodies of nine thugs shot... Three decapitated bodies were left on the street A mob brutally killed a man and dragged... Woman crushed to death in tragic accident in...