In a motorbike accident, one young man died and the other had his foot amputated Brazil You Might Be Interested In A man was beheaded on the street Man loses his head in a road accident Woman shot dead in a spa in colombia CJNG left behind the dismembered bodies of four men Couple dying after their lower body was crushed accidentbestgoredeadmalefeetfeetfetishfootcutoffgoregorephotosgorevideolegseveredfootseveredleg Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post Drug gang members leave messages with dismembered body parts next post The human head was inside a plastic bag Related Posts Hanged topless and decomposing Compilation of photos of dead soldiers in the... A gang member’s life ended in dismemberment Compilation of photos of severed heads being paraded... Gang Violence Rises- Man Dismembered and Dumped Hey bro- I got a head in a...