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Issei Sagawa cannibal case – he killed his girlfriend, chopped her up, and ate her

Dead female, Gore, Murder

Issei Sagawa cannibal case – he killed his girlfriend, chopped her up, and ate her

 Issei Sagawa born April 26, 1949 also known as Pang, is a Japanese criminal who in 1981, while in Paris, murdered and cannibalized a Dutch woman named Renée Hartevelt.

This is part of Renee Hartevelt’s mutilated body. Issei Sagawa chopped off many different body parts and ate them. Others were stored in his refrigerator. He ate her body parts while listening to the recording he had made of her reciting a poem. He put the other parts of her body in to suitcases that he had bought for the purpose of storing and disposing of her body.

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