MURDER Gore content, latest murder photos and videos: beheading, dismemberment, execution of victims by gangs
Cut open the stomach and then gut a man Brazil
Dead femaleDead maleGoreGore VideoMurder
Haiti – dead bodies of men and women lying around
by admin adminHaiti – dead bodies of men and women lying around Haitian gangs massacred innocent people
They toyed with a severed man’s head Haiti Haitian gang, beheaded rival gang member, Dismembered a man’s body in Haiti
Chop up the body of a man from a rival gang MexicoThe unfortunate man fell into the hands of members of a rival gang. He was brutally dismembered.
Ecuador- Gang members beheaded a man in the jungle
Man cut in half by train in Bangladesh
He had his brains blown out and was beheaded HaitiThe man was killed with gunshots to the head and then beheaded with a machete. His severed head was then placed …
Myanmar- Rebels cut prisoners’ throats Prisoners had their throats cut by rebels in Myanmar and their bodies thrown into the river
Gang members in Haiti slaughtered a man like an animal Haiti, dismembered men, slaughtered men, decapitated, disemboweled, disemboweled, cut off legs and arms…
Grilled and chopped Haitian man A man was roasted alive by a rival gang and then brutally dismembered.