MURDER Gore content, latest murder photos and videos: beheading, dismemberment, execution of victims by gangs
Dead maleGoreGore VideoMurder
Man Beheaded in Ugbowo, Benin City: Head Placed in an Old Pan Amid Aye and Maphite Conflict
by admin adminMan Beheaded in Ugbowo, Benin City: Head Placed in an Old Pan Amid Aye and Maphite Conflict A shocking incident occurred in Ugbowo, Benin City, Edo State, where a man …
20-year-old man executed by slitting throat A 20-year-old man, Ian Lucas Barbosa de Jesus, was found dead after disappearing from a “paredão” party in the Trobogy neighborhood of Salvador. According …
Prostitute woman brutally murdered China Photos of the corpse of a prostitute who was brutally murdered. The severe slashes on her head left by the murderer show the cruelty of …
Burned bodies of gang members in Haiti Haiti
Photo compilation of two recent beheadings drug trafficker, who had recently defected from the CV (Comando Vermelho) faction to the rival TCP (Terceiro Comando Puro), was killed and beheaded while …
Dead maleGoreGore VideoMurder
Haiti: Grisly Aftermath of Gang Massacre Reveals Severed Heads and Limbs Scattered Across the Scene
by admin adminHaiti: Grisly Aftermath of Gang Massacre Reveals Severed Heads and Limbs Scattered Across the Scene In the aftermath of a brutal gang massacre in Haiti, the scene is one of …
Dead maleGoreGore VideoMurder
Gruesome Massacre in Nigeria: BLACK AXE GANG Leaves Trail of Brutality
by admin adminGruesome Massacre in Nigeria: BLACK AXE GANG Leaves Trail of Brutality A horrifying massacre carried out by the notorious Black Axe Gang has sent shockwaves through Nigeria. The grisly scene …
Dead maleGoreGore VideoMurder
Haitian Gang Dismembers Rival Leader in Grisly Video Display
by admin adminHaitian Gang Dismembers Rival Leader in Grisly Video Display A horrifying video has emerged from Haiti, showing a violent gang dismembering the leader of a rival faction. The footage captures …
Two gang members’ lives end in flames from rivals Sinaloa, Mexico They used to execute others and now they are the victims, the feud between the gangs is long lasting …
Dead femaleDead maleGoreGore VideoMurder
Couple Brutally Executed and Burned in Jequié
by admin adminCouple Brutally Executed and Burned in Jequié In the early hours of Sunday, January 5th, a horrifying crime unfolded in Jequié, Bahia state. Armed criminals invaded a residence and executed …