The unlucky driver was crushed by his own truck BrazilHe was driving his truck up…
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A Mexican woman riding a motorbike had an accident A female motorcyclist had her head…
Cyclist crushed by bus Brazil
Found the dismembered corpse of a woman Nigeria – Woman found dismembered in the forest
A CARTEL member beheaded the man with a blunt machete He tried to behead a…
The motorcyclist was crushed into a pile of meat Horrifying road accident video – The…
Found a corpse that had been tortured and had its throat cut. Colombia – found…
Photos Compilation – ruined penis Penis cutting, male castration, amputated penis, Testicle removal…
A 38-year-old man was torn in half after jumping from a high-rise building Cambodia
Five people were crushed to death after a truck collided with a car carrying workers…