Somewhere in Africa defeated soldiers are beheaded You Might Be Interested In The beautiful woman was raped then cut to pieces by a cannibal Gore video – Three African women and one African man were beheaded and dissected Tragic Accident in Santo Domingo: Man Electrocuted and Decapitated While Installing Satellite Dish Violence in Ecuador – Man beheaded and dismembered Colombian man kills his lover then tries to commit suicide beheadedbeheadingbestgorechoppeddeadmaledecapitadodecapitatedgoregore. 斩首gorephotosheadlesskillkillermurderwar Share 2 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post The dismembered body of a young man was found in Himachal Pradesh next post His head was on the ground after interrogation Related Posts Tragic Murder-Suicide: Police Officer and Wife Kill Each... Two Decapitated Bodies Found Dumped in Rural Colombia Body Devoured by Stray Dogs Found Near Las... Man cut into pieces after jumping from height... Tragic Incident at Indonesian Wood Processing Plant: Worker... Shocking Scene: Bloody Motorcycle Crash on Brazilian Highway...