VENEZUELA – The gang butchered a man The man had his limbs amputated then beheaded…
Cambodian girl was beheaded in a motel room The 24-year-old casino worker was beheaded by…
Myanmar- behead the man in the forest
The man was dismembered by a rival gang A Jalisco gunman was dismembered by rival…
Ecuador – The body of a man was beheaded and dissected Ecuador – Found the…
Members of Cartel Ecuador dismembered the man after interrogation
They are burying the body of a dismembered man Video shows a decapitated corpse, genitals…
Two women were beheaded above a pit where they were buried Ecuador
Brazilian man Beheaded in a road accident
Unidentified headless body with limbs cut off The unidentified man was dismembered. His head and…