The 21-year-old brazilian boy was chopped into pieces the young man was dismembered, he was…
Two Nigerian men were beheaded and had their penises cut off
Photo Of A Man Beheaded By Unknown People In Uganda The Ugandan government has embarked…
Masked, beheaded, cut off legs and hands, drug gangs execute rival members They leave a…
Two men were chopped up then they arranged the body parts like animal meat Residents…
A former militiaman chopped up by a brazilian gang
Man dismembered in Caponga on the night The killers dismembered his body and cut open his stomach…
Mexico – 2 Dismembered Men Found in the Street (Mexico), 35 year old M.R. was…
Steel tower collapse turns a man to shreds A construction worker had an accident, the…
Indian couple executed, man had both legs amputated Police said the man’s legs had been…