Headless corpse in sexy pose Mexico gang war, a man’s headless corpse was found at…
A man’s body was dismembered in a car The brazilian man was dismembered by rival…
Brazilian prison riot a young man was beheaded and an arm The victim is a…
When you get crushed by a truck The man was crushed by the truck. only…
boy had his leg amputated by his friend because he owed money to play games…
The 21-year-old brazilian boy was chopped into pieces the young man was dismembered, he was…
Masked, beheaded, cut off legs and hands, drug gangs execute rival members They leave a…
Two men were chopped up then they arranged the body parts like animal meat Residents…
Pieces of Human Body in a Garbage Bag The man’s body was dismembered in a…
The man was dismembered and left in a wheelbarrow A man still unidentified was found…