The 21-year-old brazilian boy was chopped into pieces the young man was dismembered, he was a thief maybe he was executed by drug dealers You Might Be Interested In Four dismembered bodies were dumped in Acapulco- Guerrero A Brazilian woman was hooded and executed The young man was tied and slashed his head was almost cut off The man slit his girlfriend’s throat in a milk tea shop The man was seriously injured after an explosion bestgorebrazilchoppeddeadmaledecapitadodecapitateddesmembradodismemberedfeetfeetfetishfootcutoffganggoreseveredfootseveredleg Share 3 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post They cut his throat and smashed his head then they played with his amputated foot next post Gore video – Man cut his wife into three pieces because of jealousy Related Posts Found dismembered body parts in front of PíO... Gang member dismembered in El Salvador Brutal Murder in Juanjuí: Four Suspects Arrested for... Hanged topless and decomposing Compilation of photos of dead soldiers in the... A gang member’s life ended in dismemberment