The man stabbed his ex-wife to death and then fled Brazil The woman identified as 42-year-old Simone Santos Ribeiro was killed by her ex-husband in area 378 of Itapoã You Might Be Interested In Unidentified headless body with limbs cut off The gang left a severed head with a message on the street 40 year old woman crushed by truck The mechanic died due to a work accident Thai guy lost an arm in a saw accident bestgorebrazildeadfemaledeadgirlgoregorevideokillkillermurderstabbed Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post Torturing and beheading MEMBERS OF THE MILITARY COUNCIL IN MYANMAR next post Black AxE Cut off the man’s head and hands Related Posts Found dismembered body parts in front of PíO... Gang member dismembered in El Salvador Brutal Murder in Juanjuí: Four Suspects Arrested for... Hanged topless and decomposing Compilation of photos of dead soldiers in the... A gang member’s life ended in dismemberment