The man stabbed his ex-wife to death and then fled Brazil The woman identified as 42-year-old Simone Santos Ribeiro was killed by her ex-husband in area 378 of Itapoã You Might Be Interested In Nigeria- Man burned by angry mob 20 year old brazilian girl beheaded The victim of the Train his body was cut into pieces Serious accident caused one of his legs to be broken An elderly man was beheaded in Bangladesh bestgorebrazildeadfemaledeadgirlgoregorevideokillkillermurderstabbed Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post Torturing and beheading MEMBERS OF THE MILITARY COUNCIL IN MYANMAR next post Black AxE Cut off the man’s head and hands Related Posts A man’s body was cut in half and... A young man’s head was broken in an... Tragic Incident in India: Man Commits Suicide on... Young woman crushed under truck wheels The man was dying and blood was spurting... Shocking Footage: Vikings Gangster Executes Rival in Makurdi,...