The man was dismembered by a rival gang A Jalisco gunman was dismembered by rival gang members. dismembered by rival gang You Might Be Interested In The couple was dismembered and discarded their body pieces at the landfill nigeria woman beheaded before wedding day Compilation of some photos- Feet and legs destroyed or severed Thai girl had a tragic accident The deformed body of a man in a road accident beheadedbeheadingbestgorebutcheredchoppeddeadmaledecapitadodecapitateddesmembradodismemberedganggoregorevideokillkillerMassacremexicoslaughtered Share 1 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post Brazil – Terrible accident that left four dead next post The soldier was blown to pieces by the bomb Related Posts Tragic Accident in Phnom Penh: Woman’s Head Crushed... Brutal Hitman-Style Attack in Balao: Three Murdered, Two... Five Bodies Found Under Overpass in Salamanca- Two... Horrific accident: car collides with bus- bodies crushed... Brutal Justice: Alleged Rapist Killed and Mutilated by... Low-Altitude Missile Strike Hits Thukhayeiknyen Monastery, Killing Monk...