The man was dismembered by the accident BrazilHorrific accident left a man with his leg and arm amputated dismembered by accident You Might Be Interested In 18 year old girl kidnapped and murdered Found Brazilian man dismembered on railway tracks The man was cut in half by the truck The man was beheaded, his legs were cut off by rival gang Aftermath Photos- 17 prisoners brutally killed in prison riot in Ecuador accidentbestgorebrazilchoppeddeadmaledesmembradodismemberedgoregorevideolegpiecesseveredleg Share 1 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post Corpses of Russian soldiers ravaged by grenades next post The man who broke his head because of his stupidity Related Posts Decapitated Body Found Near Wooden Shack in Colombia Armed Clash Near Colombia’s Putumayo-Caquetá Border Leaves 11... Found dead body chopped into pieces and burned... Tragic Death of Young Haitian Immigrant in Dominican... She was stripped naked and shot dead A severed head of a trampled man