The man was dismembered by the gang The dead body of a young man was dismembered and left in the street young man was dismembered young man was dismembered young man was dismembered You Might Be Interested In Massacre of 19 people in Nigeria The body of a young man was twisted by a traffic accident Pieces of a man’s body mixed with papayas Legs cut, crushed, broken by traffic accidents Brazilian man crushed in street beheadedbeheadingbestgorechoppeddeadmaledecapitadodecapitateddesmembradodismemberedexecutionfeetfeetfetishfootcutoffganggorelegseveredfootseveredleg Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post Beheading video- Terrorist beheads a man with a knife in Nigeria next post Gore video- The gang butchered the man and held his heart in his hand Related Posts Severed heads are used for entertainment Nigerian Ritualist Caught with Severed Human Head in... Farmer Killed by Lioness in Rajkot, Gujarat: Dramatic... Body of Man Found Buried in Quarry in... Haiti – Corpses crushed by trucks Man in Romania Commits Suicide by Decapitation on...