The scene of a devastating tractor-trailer truck accident Romania- Rescue workers collect body parts after tragic accident. You Might Be Interested In They buried a headless corpse in a hole 49-year-old man had his head crushed by a truck The man was killed and burned because he committed rape Body of man slashed to death found in Brazil Beheading video- Terrorist beheads a man with a knife in Nigeria accidentbestgorechoppedcrusheddeadmaledesmembradodismemberedgoreheadcrushedpieces Share 3 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post Gang Leaves Dismembered Body of Missing Man on Highway Near Monterrey next post He knelt down and waited for the bullet to reach his head Related Posts Somewhere in Africa- Savages execute men by slitting... Unidentified woman crushed by truck Brutal Executions in Myanmar: Rebels Mimic Mexican Cartel... Man brutally beheaded in Myanmar civil war Decapitated Body Found Near Wooden Shack in Colombia Armed Clash Near Colombia’s Putumayo-Caquetá Border Leaves 11...