They left the dead bodies of two dismembered men on the street Dismembered gang images – The two corpses were dismembered with messages from the killers, I can’t translate them sorry! You Might Be Interested In The dead body of the girl who was shot and killed was found The human body was crushed by the truck Victims killed by political connections The body of a dismembered man was left on the boulevard of the town of Matatenatitos Gang War Escalates in Haiti: Rival Gang Member Executed beheadedbeheadingbestgorebutcheredchoppeddeadmaledecapitadodecapitateddesmembradodismemberedexecutiongoreheadlesslegmexicoseveredlegslaughtered Share 1 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post Dismembered video- The man was dismembered while he was still alive by the drug gang next post The mexico police were dismembered then they hung his body on the bridge Related Posts Shocking Scene: Bloody Motorcycle Crash on Brazilian Highway... Motorcyclist decapitated in accident Photos of the bodies of nine thugs shot... Three decapitated bodies were left on the street A mob brutally killed a man and dragged... Woman crushed to death in tragic accident in...