They shot him then cut off his head A naked man was shot then beheaded with a machete by a rival gang You Might Be Interested In Found 3 bodies dismembered and thrown away in front of the Vista Volcanes garden Chop up the body of a rival gang member The guy was executed in a prepared grave Her head was crushed by the truck Thai girl had a tragic accident beheadedbeheadingbestgorechoppeddeadmaledecapitadodecapitatedganggore Share 1 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post The man was dismembered and left in a wheelbarrow next post Gore video – Woman Found Dismembered Inside a Garbage Bag Related Posts Shocking Scene: Bloody Motorcycle Crash on Brazilian Highway... Motorcyclist decapitated in accident Photos of the bodies of nine thugs shot... Three decapitated bodies were left on the street A mob brutally killed a man and dragged... Woman crushed to death in tragic accident in...