Two young women and a man have their heads crushed by a truck Cambodia heads crushed by a truck You Might Be Interested In Dismembered man’s body left on highway The man who had a leg amputated was in pain They are burying the body of a dismembered man Photos of the dead body of an Indian girl being dragged by a car 13km The man was executed unexpectedly accidentbestgorecrusheddeadfemaledeadgirldeadmalegoregore. 斩首gorephotos Share 2 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post Myanmar- behead the man in the forest next post Cambodian girl was beheaded in a motel room Related Posts Shocking Scene: Bloody Motorcycle Crash on Brazilian Highway... Motorcyclist decapitated in accident Photos of the bodies of nine thugs shot... Three decapitated bodies were left on the street A mob brutally killed a man and dragged... Woman crushed to death in tragic accident in...