young man dismembered by rival gang members dismembered photos dismembered photos dismembered photos You Might Be Interested In Young Indian girl was raped and nearly severed her head They are collecting body pieces from the river Bags with body parts were scattered in a place where garbage collection takes place. Four dead bodies found in Chevrolet Onix Found the woman cut in half in her bag beheadedbeheadingbestgorechoppeddeadmaledecapitateddesmembradodismemberedgore Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post The man walking with the severed head he carried in his hand next post Beheading video- Colombian man beheaded by gang Related Posts Man brutally beheaded in Myanmar civil war Decapitated Body Found Near Wooden Shack in Colombia Armed Clash Near Colombia’s Putumayo-Caquetá Border Leaves 11... Found dead body chopped into pieces and burned... Tragic Death of Young Haitian Immigrant in Dominican... She was stripped naked and shot dead