Found dismembered in front of a pub Mexico A man was hacked to pieces and dumped by rival gang members. You Might Be Interested In Gang man tortured and killed A transgender person was almost beheaded by a machete The mob massacred a young man in a ditch Brazil. Found the man who was executed by the gang A COUPLE were crushed in a traffic accident beheadedbeheadingbestgoredeadmaledecapitadodecapitateddesmembradodismemberedfeetfootcutoffgoreheadlesspiecesseveredfootseveredleg Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post Woman Found Murdered Inside a Motel next post Rebel soldier’s head exploded after using a poor quality RPG Related Posts Woman crushed to death in tragic accident in... Tragic Accident in Phnom Penh: Woman’s Head Crushed... Brutal Hitman-Style Attack in Balao: Three Murdered, Two... Five Bodies Found Under Overpass in Salamanca- Two... Horrific accident: car collides with bus- bodies crushed... Brutal Justice: Alleged Rapist Killed and Mutilated by...