Share suicide videos and photos from all over the world: suicide by train, suicide by jumping off a high-rise building, suicide like a traffic accident…
The man who jumped on the pole perfectly A crazy video of a man jumping to his death from a building. When he landed he fell perfectly on a stake. …
Dead maleGoreSuicide
Suicide by jumping. The man’s body was twisted and his head exploded
by admin adminSuicide by jumping. The man’s body was twisted and his head exploded A man was jumped from the 15th floor of a building in Thailand. He is a Canadian citizen.
A Venezuelan immigrant man jumped to his death In Chile, footage of a Venezuelan immigrant jumped to his death from the roof of a building.
Thai woman murdered by Swiss husband A Swiss man with a history of mental illness killed his wife after an argument, then committed suicide by shooting himself in the head …
The man’s last convulsion was cut in half The man who was cut in half by the train is having the last convulsion of his life.
Man beheaded by train
Man commits suicide on train tracks The man committed suicide by throwing himself on the train tracks, his feet were amputated and his head was almost severed.
Corpse A crushed man trapped in the balcony The crushed body of a Russian man was stuck in the balcony. He fell from above and hit the balcony causing his …
The man threw himself on the train tracks Successful suicide
A man commits suicide with a gun next to his car Dead body of a Dominican man believed to have committed suicide was found next to his car. In his …