The brazilian woman was cut in half by murderers Woman was found cut in half, covered in blankets. Her lower half body in a plastic bag, upper part with guts out in blankets You Might Be Interested In A woman tragically died because she was riding a scooter and overtaking a truck The man’s head had been split in half Woman beheaded after going through a barbed wire fence Man Found Decapitated Beside Motorcycle in João Alfredo, Brazil The woman was dismembered by her husband bestgorechoppeddeadfemaledeadgirldismemberedganggorehalfseveredleg Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post Two Russian men killed a 40 year old woman and they ate her next post His body was severely damaged after a car accident Related Posts Found dead body chopped into pieces and burned... Tragic Death of Young Haitian Immigrant in Dominican... She was stripped naked and shot dead A severed head of a trampled man Indonesia – Accident man crushed Accident scene – the man riding the motorbike...