The man’s head had been split in half Nigeria The Black AxE Gang brutally murdered a man from their rival gang You Might Be Interested In Gore video- Terrorists opened fire and killed 28 people in a church in nigeria The young man had his head crushed in an accident in Phnom Penh A man’s head was chopped off in a tragic accident A mob burned alive two young men in Myanmar NIGERIA – jihadists execute a man bestgoredeadmalegoregorevideokillkillermurder Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post A young woman died and another woman was injured in a road accident next post A cyclist was crushed into a pile of meat in an accident Related Posts The woman died tragically in an accident Drug Traffickers Launch Violent Raid in Morro do... Somewhere in Africa- Savages execute men by slitting... Unidentified woman crushed by truck Brutal Executions in Myanmar: Rebels Mimic Mexican Cartel... Man brutally beheaded in Myanmar civil war