The unidentified man was dismembered and stuffed in his backpack You Might Be Interested In He couldn’t control the speed of his motorcycle Sudden shot in the head by five bullets caused the man to spew blood gore video – Beheading Louisa Vesterager and Maren Ueland in Morocco Tied up and shot in the head The man riding the motorbike was cut in half bestgorebutcheredchoppeddeadmaledesmembradodismemberedganggoremexicopiecesslaughtered Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post A thief had his legs amputated while being chased by the police next post The body of a dismembered man was left on the boulevard of the town of Matatenatitos Related Posts Man in Colombia Struck by Bus- Body Twisted... Venezuelan Woman Found Murdered in Ecuador: Witnesses Report... Car accident – Man crushed after collision Tragic Accident at KAMAZ PJSC Claims the Life... Brazilian Gang Executes Rival in Brutal Attack Former CJNG Member Beheaded by Ex-Colleague in Tabasco